Break a cycle

Seems like a common thread for my life and writing here, periods of being good about my health and fitness followed by periods of sliding backwards.

In August I was back up to 250lbs and not in a great spot. Since then I’ve been doing fairly well with eating well and exercising. But I’ve had a few periods where I’ve really let the eating get back out of control.

They’ve typically been fairly short lived and seem to have started with trips where I’m away from home and out of routine. But they’ve carried over once home for a while. I’ve been able to get back on track pretty quickly.

This last one felt different. I was away with my team for a work trip and I did pretty darn well with my eating habits and even out for some good runs in the morning most days away. It was once I got home from that I really broke routine.

Meals were still pretty good but snacking got out of control. It was of course all mental. I didn’t need the food. I wasn’t really hungry, but for some reason I’d grab something, then another something, then another. Night time was especially rough.

I decided I needed to do something to maybe try to get a handle on it and increase my mental toughness. What if I did a multi day fast? That would prove I can resist the urge to stuff my face even when I’m hungry. A challenge I could look back on the next time it’s after supper and I want to grab something from the cupboard.

So last Wednesday night I decided I wanted to give a three day fast a try. Break the bad cycle I was in and build some mental toughness. I drank only water, coffee, herbal tea, and some bone broth for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It went way better than I thought it would.

I expected to feel really hungry, be really tired, and maybe even not be able to concentrate, but none of those things really happened. There were times, especially when cooking for others in the family, or when I grabbed my son a fast-food burger that I started to feel the pang, but overall it went smooth.

My energy levels were still pretty good as well. Friday I went for a 5k run and Saturday I was out doing yard work all as normal.

This morning I got up and it felt good to eat but also a little weird. I’m going to try hard to use this as something to reach for the next time I start to slip.

How to deal with passwords

There are far too many places that we all have accounts for now, each one needing a password. Many people give up trying to remember passwords and pick one and use it, or some simple variation of it, for all the places they need one. This is a terrible and unsafe practice but very understandable.

I’ve seen so many cases of people having their accounts taken over, or broken into because one service they’ve used has been breached and the password they’ve used there exposed and then used to log in to another one of their accounts. I used to think that it really wasn’t a big deal, no one is going to try to hack me or get into my accounts. That’s not how it works though.

There are targeted attacks on people, but more common is someone will get their hands on a list of exposed passwords and then use automated tools to try the list of passwords and common variations on the password to log into different accounts. They don’t care who is on the other end.

If you want to get a bit freaked out put your email address into the free site Have I Been Pwned. It keeps track of breached services and will tell you if your email has been seen in any of them.

My best advice is to use a password manager. This is a program or service that will help you keep track of all your accounts and passwords for them. For most of my accounts my passwords look like this Q@pUkJ!NPgZ4wGwU38-cNP@TG2MXkBRy I don’t remember any of them though. There are only a few passwords I need to remember. Ones to get into my devices, and the one for my password manager. From there it will get me access to all my passwords and auto fill them when I need to log in somewhere.

For the passwords I do need to remember I don’t use a typical password, I use a pass phrase. This XKCD comic is one I come back to. Instead of a password you can take random words and create a phrase out of them. It turns out that is much harder for a computer to crack then most passwords.

The other thing to do is to use two factor authentication for any service that offers it. This typically involves another app or a text message sent to you with an extra code you need to enter to gain access. It can seem like a pain sometimes, but the added security is worth it.

One of the exciting things that is becoming more popular as support grows is passkeys. These have a lot of advantages in security and ease of use once set up. It involves private and public key cryptography. You keep a private key stored on your device and a public key on the service you are signing into. There are protocols in place to send checks back and forth between your device and service using the keys to encrypt and decrypt and verify it’s you. You don’t have to remember a password typically if you are on a device that takes fingerprint or face ID you have to verify yourself that way before logging into a service.

To manage all these things, strong random passwords different for each account, two factor authentication, and passkey’s I use the 1Password password manager. My work will pay for it, but I pay for it myself to get a family plan so we can all be a bit more secure. I really like it for passkeys because I don’t have to set up a passkey for each device I use to log in somewhere I set it up and store it in 1Password and then can use it from my phone, or computer.

It’s a bit of work to get set up and get used to using it, but it’s really worth it for the added security and not having to try to remember a bunch of passwords anymore.

After the storm

We had a pretty good snow storm over the weekend. Everything was canceled including school today.

This afternoon things cleared up a bit so Ezra and I got out to play some. Running around the snow, making snow angels, some shovelling, and a bit of a tunnel / fort.

It did us both good to get out and have some fun instead of snow chores.

Happy Birthday Matt

Matt Mullenweg the CEO of Automattic, the company where I work, is turning 40 today. Happy birthday Matt. For his birthday he asked for people to blog so that’s what I’m doing. I figure he and Automattic have given me so much that this is the least I could do.

So here we go, happy birthday Matt. In your post today about turning 40 mentioned having mixed feelings about this milestone, saying approaching it felt both light and heavy. Having crossed that threshold a few years back now I’ll assure you that it’s not that big a deal. Lots of life left to live.

For someone who really does live the Automattic creed I think one of the keys is in the first line, as you also highlighted in your post, I will never stop learning. If this is your mindset 40 still leaves lots of time left to learn. I was already past 40 when, thanks to the developer apprenticeship program at work, I was able to change roles. It was a pretty big shift and required lots of work and learning, but well worth it. In fact this decade has already seen some of the biggest and best changes of my life. I’m looking forward to what comes next.

I know that isn’t ground breaking thoughts, and I don’t have any deep advice to offer, but keep going the way you are. Your work has such an impact on the world and my and my families life specifically, I’m on board and looking forward continuing being at least a small part in the impact Automattic will have in the future.

Christmas shopping dates

One of my favourite Christmas traditions we have is that Jen and I each take our children for a one on one Christmas shopping date. We let them pick out and buy presents for their siblings and then have a treat of some kind.

With busy lives we don’t always make time for individual time like this so I value it when it does happen.

This years treats were some of my favourites to date. Love that now as they get older they have a bit better taste 😄

Epic Road Trip 2023

Though this might not have been as far as a trip as some of our past Epic Road Trips like 2017 and 2018, it was still an epic trip.

Jen was her three month sabbatical from work and I took some vacation time so we could take the family trip. For years we had promised Caile and Ella a trip to Broadway to see a show and for Christmas this year we had bought tickets. So the first part of our trip was based on this, so we started making our way to New York.

Paterson NJ

We stayed in Paterson NJ which is close enough to get into New York City pretty easily, but affordable, and a little less busy. We were meeting up with family friends who were going to go to Broadway with our family and hang out a little in the beginning of the trip, and then again on the way home. We had a day or so before they arrived so we explored the area a little including Paterson Great Falls.

New York City

When our friends arrived we all went in and spent a day in New York City hitting some of the common tourist spots. We took the train in which was really easy right into Penn Station. We walked all around going past the New York Public Library, Rockefeller Center, and into Central Park. The next day me and the boys hung around our AirBnb while they all went back in to see Chicago on Broadway.

When leaving NYC we stopped in Jersey City Liberty State Park which was pretty cool. You have some great views of the NYC skyline and are very close to the Statue of Liberty.

This is where we ended up separating from our friends for a bunch of the trip. We did stop in Philadelphia to grab some lunch together though first. After that we made our way to Martinsburg, West Virgina, where we had our next AirBnb booked and we’d make it our home base when we ventured out and explored.

Harpers Ferry

One of the first places we went was the historic town Harpers Ferry WV. It was beautiful though we were pretty hot and ended up walking up and down some good hills. We walked around the town some and also were able to jump on and do a tiny bit of the Appalachian Trail.

Washington DC Area

We made a day of heading into Washington DC. We’ve been here a number of times but it’s a nice city. We especially thought that Ezra would like the zoo as they have a lot of great animals. One of the things Ella really liked from one of previous road trips was the big sky wheel we went on in Chicago. They have one near Washington in National Harbor Maryland so we went and did that as well.

Luray Caverns in Luray Virginia

This was one of the highlights of the trip for me. It was an amazing huge caverns which you can go in and explore.

Frederick Maryland

One day we planned to meet up with one of Jen’s teammates and friends and visit a state park to go to the beach there. We made it there and they closed because they were full. So we changed plans and went into Frederick MD to explore a little bit. We first went to this cool little arcade Spinners Pinball Arcade. From there we explored a bit of the downtown.

Hershey, Pennsylvania

When leaving West Virginia we were headed to Hershey where we were going to meet up with our friends again. On our drive we stopped in Harrisburg PA and did a boat tour and little train ride on City Island.

The next day we went and met our friends in Baltimore MD to visit the National Aquarium. We had been once before a while back, but were excited to take Ezra there to see everything.

Hershey Amusement Park

The next day we spent the whole day at Hershey Amusement park. So many great roller coasters and other rides.

Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame

On our way home Noah and I stopped in to the Basketball hall of fame which was a cool experience.

The trip home

On the way back we did a few stops. We of course had to stop in Boston which is Jen’s favourite city. They visited the Franklin park zoo, we went into the Public Gardens and Boston Commons, and stopped at a bakery Caile had wanted to visit for a while.

Here are some random pictures from the rest of the way home.

Jen also has a bunch of pictures and a great recap on her blog post Miles of Memories.

New York Public Library

Sandy's Photo Blog

The lions out front of the New York Public Library are called Patience and Fortitude. It felt like I needed both today, but didn’t have them.

I like New York City a lot but it’s a city I’d like to visit with just my wife, or friends. Having our whole family including a 3.5 year old was exhausting. Walked a bunch and a great deal of it with him on my shoulders.

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Sir Sandford Fleming Park – The Dingle

Yesterday we went and visited Sir Sandford Fleming Park again. Ezra loves this place. He calls the Memorial Tower a castle. It really is a beautiful area that we only recently started visiting.

It’s sometimes embarrassing the things I don’t know about our local history and area. Sir Sandford Fleming was an accomplished man and he donated the park to the people of Halifax. The park is also known as Dingle Park apparently named after the town of Dingle in Ireland.

We’ve still only seen a bit of the park. There is a playground, water front area, great walking trails, but the main feature is the tower. Yesterday was the first time I was able to go up to the top. It’s really cool inside and also offers great views in all four directions.

A warm welcome home

Earlier today I made it home after my first work travel since January 2020. It’s been a long time since I’ve been away from my family like this, and I’ve never been away from Ezra like this. It was awesome to get to see my team in person. Most of who I hadn’t met in real life yet. But it was also very hard being away.

It felt weird getting on a plane after so long. I still love the actual act of flying, I still don’t like airports and the rest of the process that it takes to get to that point.

We traveled to Orlando and had a big place to ourselves. There were some Disney-themed rooms, a pool, a pool table, other games, and a theatre room. We didn’t leave the place much at all. We ordered groceries and made breakfasts and lunches, and then usually ordered in for dinner. Probably the healthiest I’ve eaten on a meet-up yet. I really think the in-person time is going to help our team be closer and work even better together.

We had one activity day that we spent at Animal Kingdom. It was again strange to be there without my family and kids, but we still had a good time. The Avatar ride there was, and confirmed this visit, as my favourite ride I’ve ever been on. I wish I could have done it multiple times. I guess I could of, but I didn’t feel like wasting all my time waiting in hour-plus long lines.

The trip home which started yesterday wasn’t as uneventful as the trip there. I had a connection in Neward which arrive on time, and all seemed good right up until it was time to board for our 12:35pm flight. There were a couple short delays and then just canceled. We were all put on a flight for the next morning. After a bunch of confusion and lots of waiting we finally received some vouchers for a close by hotel and instructions to walk to a bus, to get to a train, which would take us to a shuttle, to get us to the hotel. The shuttle held about 15 people, and we were a plane full, so it took a while for us to all get there.

Once we started to fill the lobby more fun. The vouchers weren’t working. There was no payment information attached, so the hotel couldn’t check any of us in. The lobby kept filling with more people and frustration. People tried to call the airline, people talked to the hotel managers and for a long time no one was able to help. This is already long past the time when we should have already landed at home. Many of us had been up for long hours. Some people gave up and decided just to book rooms at their own cost, almost $400 a night. Thankfully the hotel really stepped up and offered us all the rate they would have charged the airline $95 a night with the hopes that once they received payment from the airline they would refund us.

Come morning others in our group said that the hotel received payment from the airline so hopefully I really see a refund come through within a few days like they said. Back at the airport and then some more delays, but we eventually took off and I made it home about a full 24 hours later than I should have.

Ezra has had an imaginary friend for a while now. He has the creative name “Little Guy”. Jen has told me that apparently, Little Guy was on the trip with me he was even sad yesterday because his flight was canceled. Upon finally arriving home today I could hear Noah as I walked in the door asking Ezra, “Who’s home, who’s home?”. He came around the corner and looked at me, then looked to the side and yelled very excitedly “Little Guy!”

Division 2 Champions

Years of hard work paid off today for our basketball team the Valley Spartans. The young men captured the Division 2 Championship today for our Metro League basketball season. We finished the regular season in second place having lost to the first-place team twice.

We had two tough games today where we first played a team that we beat during our league play, but lost two games to them just recently in exhibition games. It was a battle today and our boys just didn’t give up or let off. They played some excellent defense, the shots were falling, and we ended up winning 77-66. That took us to the championship game against the first-place team. They are a great team and I always enjoy our games against them. We practice hard and expect a lot, it all came out in this game and we won 60-46.

For some of this team, I’ve been helping coach them for seven years. Almost half their lives. They’ve grown from boys into confident, hard-working, dedicated young men and I couldn’t be prouder of how they handle themselves. We’ve had this Spartans team for about five years. There have been some changes in players along the way, but a lot have been consistent the whole time. While I think these boys have gotten a lot out of this program I know I have gained a lot from being a part of this group myself.

I’ve Learned a lot about basketball, and coaching, but have also gained friends with the other coaches and parents. It’s a true community. We come together for fundraising and occasional fun as well. Everyone has the best interest of the boys in mind, and it’s just so nice to be a part of it.

Earlier this week I went and got a little tribute to this team. My second tattoo is our team logo. One of the parents owns Everlasting Ink, he had given me my first one and did a great job on this as well. I’m so happy with it.

Valley Spartans logo tattoo

I’ll be sad when our time with this team comes to an end, but there’s still lots of basketball left this year, and I know regardless of what happens a lot of these guys will be playing basketball together for years to come.